Jan 3, 2017

How to customize your blog on blogger - Tip 1 - Favicon

Favicon is the small icon of logo on the tab of browser. By default, blogger gives its own logo as favicon but along with it it allows user to use his logo as custom favicon. Why do we need to sue custom favicon? We use it because it represents our brand and creating a brand is so much important to attract viewers and to make them visit again.
Follow the steps given below and you are ready to use your custom favicon.
  • Log In to your blogger account.
  • Select the blog of which you are going to set custom favicon.
  • On lest side bar, click on layout
Click on Layout in left sidebar of your blogger dashboard
Left sidebar in blogger dashboard

  • In blogger layout, at upper right corner, you shall see one widget as favicon.
Click on Favicon in upper right corner of Layout
Blogger layout

  • Click on edit button of favicon.
  • A new window shall open as shown below in figure.

  • Click on Choose File and browse for an image of size less than 100KB
  • Hit on save.
  • Then click on Save Arrangement in Layout.
And by doing this you are done with setting custom favicon to your blog on blogger. If you use .png image file for favicon then it will look better but at the end choice is yours.

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